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„The Akademie für ökologische Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft Schloss Kirchberg (Academy for Organic Agriculture and Food)
is a nucleus for the further development of organic agriculture in Germany.

Rudolf Bühler, Founder and Chairman of the Foundation House of Farmers

In recent years, the Akademie Schloss Kirchberg has evolved into a meeting place for farmers, civil society activists, leaders, representatives of indigenous communities, policy makers and young changemakers along the entire agricultural value chain from field to fork. Since the beginning of its work, networks have been established to reach the diverse audience with the core topics. Existing expertise is to be shared and new expertise gained through valuable partnerships. The Akademie Schloss Kirchberg facilitates the necessary transfer of knowledge.

Main focuses of our work

Climate Farming

We want to contribute to promoting the great potentials and powerful levers of farm-based agriculture on the path to global climate resilience. The way agriculture is practiced - from our stewardship of the soil and on-farm ecosystems, to the way we raise animals and grow crops, to the way we process and consume food - offers many effective options for shaping the future. Neutralizing CO2 emissions, preserving and increasing biodiversity, and bringing measurable economic and ecological added value to the upkeep of farm structures are fields of action that have already been realized in many places. In practical seminars, excursions and at conferences on this topic, we contribute to the development and dissemination of knowledge and network farmers with civil society, business and politics.

see e.g. Climate Farming Conference (under Impressions)

Localizing SDGs & Localizing Global Peasants‘ Rights

We are working closely with Bäuerliche Erzeugergemeinschaft Schwäbisch Hall and the organic farming movement to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals as part of the United Nations' 2030 Agenda. Under the motto "Localizing SDGs", we are building a global network of regions where the SDGs are being grounded and brought to life by farmers, representatives of indigenous communities, civil society activists, experts and politicians through their respective agricultural, sustainability, cultural, legal or social practices. The representatives of the SDG regions in the global South, North, East and West as well as experts from think tanks, NGOs, foundations and governments meet once a year at Kirchberg Castle for the exchange of experiences and mutual knowledge transfer at the World Organic Forum - the development policy conference platform for the global localization of the SDGs!

see World Organic Forum (under Impressions)

Organic sustainability along the value chain

It is of great interest to us to contribute to the sustainable development and ecologization of food value chains between agricultural production, processing in craft and industry, trade and consumption with stimulating event formats designed for the exchange of experience and knowledge. We bring together farmers, representatives of the food industry, the organic sector, decision-makers in politics and young changemakers in seminars, excursions, at conferences and in innovative formats - from small grocery stores to nationally positioned retail groups, from CEOs to farm successors and trainee groups in supermarkets.

see e.g. Öko-Marketingtage, Fachkraft Bio, Sommerschule (under Impressions)

Öko-Marketingtage 2022

Unsere nächsten Termine

February 2025

Delegationsreise aus Indien - GIZ SuATI

09 February 2025
bis 13 February 2025

Besuchen Sie uns bei der BIOFACH 2025!

11 February 2025
bis 14 February 2025
International events

March 2025

Wie kann ich meine eigenen Obstbäume selber pflanzen, schneiden und pflegen?

08 March 2025
Cooperation events